Sacred Tantric Healing: Learning to Honor the Unknown. . .

hello, I do hope you are experiencing a breath, a moment filled with an awareness of the constantly moving energetic circulation throughout your cells and body. Perhaps you crave a more linear definition or even phrasing.  I invite you to settle in to this brief piece...

February Workshop at Sensual by Nature Studio New York City

Hello, Loves, I am so warmed by the vibrant group of individuals that gathered at Sensual by Nature Studio for our February workshop !  A very special and select group joined together to create a safe space for each member to experience and practice the Mindfulness...

Loving Inspirations for this Warm Season. . .

Welcome to Sensual By Nature Tantra Studio. . . A sanctuary dedicated to Buddhist Mindfulness Practice and Tractional Tantra Instruction. . . with Dakini Oceana Hello. . . How are YOU today?  I have been noticing the beautiful ornaments around me glowing, and the...

November Workshop at Sensual By Nature Studio NYC

Hello. . . I hope you are enjoying the beautiful Autumnal Sunday, wherever you are. I am simply warmed and celebrating today. . . . The group is bonded by one shared similarity: this is a group of Tantric seekers who share the same intentions and interests by way of...


Hello, loves, how are you feeling this evening? I am sitting here, thinking about water. Water in itself is a holy liquid. Without it, no form of life can survive. Water is not only a physical cleanser, it is also a metaphysical cleanser. Ritual bathing is truly...
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